Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass - it is about learning to dance in the rain

Monday, 16 May 2011

Lots happening but nothing much happening

A lot of 'to do' going on:
  • I had a bone scan today (involved an injection, followed by a 45 minute scan three hours later).  Gill came with me and kept me company :)
  • On Friday, I met my plastic surgeon.  She is amazing; the same age as me, and very experienced and warm.  We went through all the different options for reconstructions and I chose to have my new breast made from tissue from my tummy (also chose one of the two types of surgery for using tissue from the tummy).  The op will take around five hours but some of the other surgery options take 8-9 hours. I still don't have a definite surgery date but it is coming up.  Mum came with me and that was really helpful
  • She also noticed that I had a lipoma (didn't even know what that was) on my chest (just fatty tissue) so referred me for an ultrasound of that (but she said she could remove it during surgery).
  • On Thursday, I had an appointment with my breast surgeon. She told me that the results were normal from all the testing in the last few weeks (so no evidence of cancer in the rest of the body) and gave me the probable surgery date (both the plastic surgeon and her need to coordinate as they both are present during the operation). I gave the surgeon some flowers as she does an amazing job (and was my surgeon last time so we have known each other for four and a half years).  Another friend came with me for this :)
  • These appointments require a lot of time from me and others. You are not meant to go to these appointments on your own; I really appreciate everyone's time and support
  • Oh and I met up with two friends on the weekend as they have had reconstructions (it was really helpful to get tips and advice)
  • What else - I will finish work on Friday
  • I'm still not sleeping that well but am feeling a lot better about things as all the testing is virtually complete, I have a tentative surgery date and am finishing work this week. After that, I can concentrate on getting rest, going to the gym, eating well and enjoying life as much as possible before the surgery.  With the surgery, I will be in hospital for a week and will need at least five weeks recovery time
Over and out, Andrea

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